Saturday, April 12, 2014

New poem, 4/12/14

The Whoosh

Insert tab A into slot B, turn the key
And whoosh, a vacuum seal breaks,
Releasing the alluring aromas of coffee
Or new tennis balls or similar reeks

Of pleasure, of pain, or played or dared.
Nature abhors a vacuum, an expression
Learned early, like A = π r ².

The whoosh is a cure for depression.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Coincidental characters

Any similarities to events, places, or to persons, living or dead,
Are simply coincidental, the reader is always assured.
Huh? The characters simply emerged from the author’s head,
Fully human? The settings are pure fiction, places never toured
By either the writer or anyone else, the reader is led
To believe. Each character and setting in my head,
Were lodged there by my experiences, then comingled  and melded
Like marvelous scrambled eggs or toasted multi-grained bread,
Appearing on the page as something new (but woven from older threads).